At nano4GEA, we believe that innovation and foresight will take humanity to the next step. We believe in research and development accessible to all. All the things we look for every day are based on these foundations.
"Make the world greener for all people", that’s our view of things. Every day we seek for materials that can offer functional, rationally designed, and reliable products. As a research group, we have set ourselves the goal of helping to improve everyday life.
Our Latest News
Congratulations to Jodi Gobbo for his admission to the PhD programme on Catalysis (doctorate of national interest)
Congratulations to Beatrice Polido for her admittance to the PhD programme on "Sustainable Chemistry"
Welcome to Dhif Fatma Ezzahra and Marwa Jlaili from University Tunis el Manar as visiting PhD students
Welcome to Daria Kulakova as a bachelor Erasmus+ visiting student from the University of Wroclawski (Poland)
Welcome to Amira Bou Ali from University of Tunis el Manar as a co-tutelle student in the PhD programme on "Science and Technology of Bio and Nanomaterials"
Welcome to Daba Bakhoum as a Schlumberger Foundation postdoctoral fellow @Nano4GEA
For all the other News follow the page: